Saturday, December 2, 2006

it's grandma's 2nd death e morning, things are gonna get busy..hav to pray and all the rituals and will be a long dae ahead..

how time flies..2 years juz past by like juz seems it had juz happened..after granny's death, it in deed taught me a lot of things..the most impt thing tat i had learn is to cherish the people ard me and not to take things fer granted..thinking back, i had also took it fer granted that grandma will always be the hougang neva occur to me tat one dae, she will not be there..i keep putting off, time and time again, to visit my beloved grandma..i rem tat before she died, i had not seen her fer a long time..wanted to go visit her but thought tat it's year end, n her bdae is juz round e corner so i didnt bother..but neva did i expect tat e very next time i get to see her, it's her dead will ve a regret fer the rest of my life tat i had neva got a chance to see her fer the last time.. she had been sick and refuse to tell us..i rem seeing her once, wif swollen keens, very swollen ones..but she say ot's not pain, juz take med will do..but i am glad tat she did not suffer at all..she went peacefully..

to my ma-ma(wat i always wanted to tell ya):

i really do lurve ya a lot..i know ya had always doted on me..protecting me from daddy whenevr he gets me all my fav food to eat and always keeping the drumstick fer me..buying all the cute things fer me whenever ya go market or shopping..i neva had the chance to be filial and take care of ya, talk to ya and spend time wif ya..i will always rem ya deep down inside my heart..i miss ya sooooooooo much...

everyone is always preaching, "don take things fer granted", "cherish wat is in front of ya", "give and take"..but honestly, who doesnt know all these?..but in practice, who does it?..everyone is the same, onli till the very moment tat ya lose it than ya feel the pain..but some fortunate, they are able to make remedies but others will juz hav to live in wont be human being if we are perfect...

me myself, i also still learning..not to take things and people fer granted but it's easier said than done..the person who is being take granted fer, definately doesnt feel's still a long way ahead to learn..i will work hard towards tat..

there is someone i wana thank.. thank you so much fer letting me learn things e hard way and make me grow up..i really appreciated it a lot..i've learn a lot of ya..thank you..there are a lot of things that i wana tell ya and talk to ya..but i juz dono where to start..

life is always in a fixed......

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